Construction Management
Yeh delivers design solutions that fit the context of the project by focusing on available budget, required performance, local contractor experience, and user needs. Yeh’s construction inspection services help to keep projects on track and ensure methods and materials comply with project plans. Engineering and construction staff oversee contractor work and provide complete and accurate documentation of construction activities. Yeh also provides post-construction support in assessing roadway and structure performance to help direct life-cycle maintenance and asset management programs.
Construction Inspection
We are committed to providing a quality construction inspection team with experience working in varied project settings. Most senior construction staff are trained in document management software and certified in compliance with the Construction Inspector Qualification Program. Junior level and intern inspectors performing site inspections are certified in both the Construction Inspector Qualification Program and the Materials Testers Qualification Program.

Materials Testing
Our technicians are trained and certified to provide a full range of field material testing services including nuclear testing for soil density/moisture, pavement density control, asphalt content, and concrete design compliance. Yeh operates accredited material testing labs in four of our six offices. All are extensively equipped and staffed with trained, qualified personnel and overseen by a registered engineer. Our laboratory services are accredited by the AASHTO Accreditation Program.
Yeh recognizes the importance of a strong corporate commitment to QA/QC. Regional QA professionals provide QA checks to verify that projects are proceeding according to the project plans and specifications. Managers make site visits to provide advice on projects as they progress. Our technical professionals’ work is reviewed by one or more of their peers to validate the technical accuracy of their reports. This review process includes a final review and closeout by the project manager in charge. Technical experts within the firm, who are not involved in the project, review all calculations, specifications, drawings, reports, and other deliverables.