US 6 Bridges
Yeh performed construction QA, inspection, and materials testing for a rebuild of US 6 from Knox Court Bridge to the I-25 interchange. Project included building or replacement of 12 bridges, 26 retaining walls, construction of 5 miles of storm drains, and 15 lane miles of pavement. In addition, the project included improvements to four parks, a half mile bike path, new baseball and multi-use turf field, a new pedestrian bridge, sidewalks, and drainage/ irrigation.
RTD North Metro Rail Line
The North Metro Rail Line (N Line) runs from Denver Union Station to 124th Avenue in Thornton. Yeh is providing geotechnical engineering services for all aspects of the retaining walls, bridges, and stations, and assisting at grade crossing and parking facilities. We also providing construction inspection and materials testing for all civil related work for all construction work.
Golden Linking Lookout
Also known as US 6 and 19th Street Intersection, Yeh provided the construction management and inspection staff to the City of Golden to complete the local agency ‘Linking Lookout’ interchange project. This 4-phase project included a signature structure, deep foundations, park and pedestrian access, bicycle access and new pedestrian trails, numerous retaining walls of various types, and deep utility relocations.
RTD Southeast Rail Extension (SERE)
The Southeast Rail Line Extension added 2.3 miles of light rail along I-25 from Lincoln Station, through the new Lone Tree City Center, to RidgeGate Parkway. The project included an end-of-line station, a five story parking structure with 1,300 parking spaces, bus transfer, and Kiss-N-Ride facilities. Yeh provided geotechnical engineering for design, along with construction quality inspections and materials testing for every aspect of construction including the retaining walls, three bridges, stations, parking structure, at-grade crossing, roads, and parking facilities.

I-25 Cimarron Interchange
Yeh provided materials testing and documentation as the Owners Verification Testing Service for the US 24 corridor improvements.